Getting A Look At How The Social Distance Music Sausage Is Made

There’s a fabulous article in the 8/18/2020 edition of by Jim Farber that takes a detailed look at how live classical music is returning by way of Hollywood studio work. What’s really fascinating is Farber’s juxtaposition between that sector and traditional nonprofit orchestra groups. For example, Faber interviewed LA studio musician heavyweight Marc Sazer (a name long time Adaptistration readers have seen before) to learn more about what that industry …

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Why Aren’t Orchestra Musicians Listed In Movie Credits?

My wife and I have a little ritual when we go see movies: we like to sit through the end credits to see if the orchestra is mentioned by name. While watching the credits for True Grit (2010), it dawned on us that even in the rare instances where the orchestra is listed by name, we never see individual musicians listed…

When Process And Personality Collide

Regular readers know that I am a big proponent of process. In just about every professional situation I encounter, whether my consulting work or blog posts, most problems can be traced back to a flawed and/or poorly implemented process. More often than not, personalities are to blame; or more to the point, conflict between personalities…