Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Men?

Apparently, it’s no longer The Shadow; instead, it’s Blognoggle, which professes to shadow the top 100 classical music blogs. Blognoggle comes straight from the mind of none other than Jerry Bowles, the editor of Sequenza21.com, a hotbed of contemporary music discussion and just about anything else cutting edge related to classical music (assuming that’s not an oxymoron to begin with)…

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A Serious Problem That’s Going To Get Worse Before It Gets Better

Phishing scams are a pain the ass. Not only for the millions of email users who wade through a regular tide of them every day, but they’re an equal pain in the ass to I.T. professionals. Unfortunately, nonprofits are becoming easy targets for the criminals out there bent on using the internet to fuel their thievery…

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