During a recent concert intermission, I struck up a conversation with an orchestra patron
newbie. I always enjoy talking to patrons about their experiences and observations and this conversation was no exception, save for one small question. Toward the end of our talk he asked a question about the musicians: “So what do these guys do for a day job” Unfortunately, the house lights were flickering and we had to get back to our respective seats so I had to give a short answer of “exactly what you see”. But the patron’s inquiry spawned an even larger question in my mind: What is a professional orchestra? I have my opinions and you probably have yours. But first, here are some definitions among industry insiders:
According to Jack McAuliffe, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for the American Symphony Orchestra League, I obtained the following definition of a professional orchestra:
“The League considers an orchestra that pays the majority of their players, a professional ensemble.”
” the union does not have a formal definition for what qualifies as a professional orchestra. All of the orchestras that are represented by the union are considered professional, however, they divide each ensemble into three categories: major, regional, and community. Each category is determined largely by the orchestra budget, length of season, and number of core musicians”.
It’s certainly a fuzzy area and one that does not have a simple answer. For example, a professional player that plays in several regional orchestras with short concert seasons (say, only six) may earn a living above that of the national poverty level. Even though each of the individual orchestras pay an annual salary below the national poverty level. However, I feel that it is possible to stop playing the “name game” and come to a more precise classification. Here are a few guidelines that I think will help.
Professional Orchestras
Pay their players a living wage. I know the term “living wage” is arguable in regard to spin, but let’s be frank. Paying the base players of an orchestra anything less than $25,000.00 a year without benefits is not a living wage. If the musician can not afford to pay for the basic necessities of running a professional career: rent/mortgage, car payment, food, bills, and insurance, then they are not being paid as a professional should. Then take into account cost of living variances in different cities across the country. It takes much more money to live an equal lifestyle in New York City than it does in Tulsa.
Have a minimum season of 32 weeks.
Employ a minimum of 36 full time musicians, whose primary vocation is performing in that ensemble.
I’m especially interested to hear from musicians and non-musicians alike. What are your thoughts? What do you consider a professional orchestra?
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