About Adaptistration

Change can be difficult. Change can be turbulent. Change can be painful.
Change brings success. Change brings order. Change brings comfort.


Making things right is a time consuming process and just when you think all the pieces are finally in place, something comes along to knock them all down. Since the beginning of the decade, the environment of orchestra management has fundamentally changed. The task ahead is survival, and that survival will be based on how well orchestra management is able to adapt and evolve. This weblog is designed to present ideas and create a forum to help accelerate that evolutionary process.


To most, the inner workings of an orchestra are a mystery, but how an orchestra manages itself is linked directly to the artistic success of that organization. With the current round of difficult times, many organizations are caught at the crossroads of artistic success vs. financial and operational impasse. Orchestra management has grown stale, reactionary, and in extreme cases, exploitative.The results have ranged form modest budget adjustments to organizational collapse. Nonetheless, it is clear that the business of orchestral management is in serious need of reform.

The ideas and proposals presented in these writings may arguably be considered unconventional. They are designed to problem solve by identifying “what’s wrong” and present solutions about “how to fix it” based on my extensive experience and work in this field. Much like the title of this blog, I expect this “manifesto” to evolve over time. With your input, it will grow into something meaningful. Please feel free to send along any ideas, comments, or criticisms. I plan to post them on a regular basis.

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In order to ensure accuracy and provide a comprehensive perspective on any topic, any individual or person officially representing an organization that appears in any Adaptistration article to submit a response which will be published, unedited.

Responses are limited to 200 words and must address the issues at hand and the individuals and/or organizations must also be willing to maintain an open dialog for continued discussion.

three wise admin monkeys plus one