I’m looking for a cartoonist somewhere out there who is interested in doing an ongoing project here at Adaptistration. My artistic ability is on par with Harvey Pekar (limited to crude stick figures) so looking for talent elsewhere is the only available option.
Artistic ability and enjoy drawing cartoons, B/W and color
You can be a hobbyist, amateur, or professional
Knowledge of orchestral concert halls and orchestral instruments a must
Sharp wit and a sense of humor
Experience drawing cartoons either for fun or profit in political and strip formats
The Gig
I can’t give away too many details or it will spoil the surprise, but rest assured it’s not going to be something that will sap away your free time and consume your life, I came up with this concept after watching American Splendor, starring Paul Giamatti
The strip will utilize a set of regular, reoccurring, and limited use characters
You’ll have a great deal of personal input, you won’t be limited to a simple “work made for hire” status
It will be loads of fun
What does it pay?
Considerably less than not much; you’ll have to want to do it for the truly altruistic reasons, however, if there is money to be made you’ll share equally in what develops
Serious inquires only; to apply, just send in an email. The remaining details will be covered with potential candidates; you may be required to send in a sample of your work so if you have digital copies feel free to send them along with your email message.
I’m en route to Chattanooga today to attend a concert on Thursday, 3/2/2017 of my wife, violinist Holly Mulcahy, performing Jim Stephenson’s Tributes violin…