Sometimes, patrons leave a concert early to get at the front of the parking rush. It’s a reality of live events and yes, it can be frustrating for both fellow patrons and performers. But why on earth a conductor would be so offended as to retaliate by telling children there is no Santa Clause during a winter family show is stupefying.
Nonetheless, that’s precisely what happened permultiplereports when conductor Giacomo Loprieno took a microphone to announce “Father Christmas doesn’t exist” at the end of a “Disney in concert: Frozen” event.
That’s right, the conductor reportedly unleashed one of the biggest spoilers of all time to the dismay of parents and children.
To all those heading for the door, the maestro has a special message.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the presenting organization replaced Loprieno and issued statements disavowing his comments and calling them “horrible” and declaring Loprieno was “out of place.” Damage control went so far as showing the replacement conductor, Marco Dallara, hugging Santa.
Yes, patrons stampeding to the exits in order to be at the tip of the egress spear is loaded with its fair share of unpleasantness, for fellow patrons and performers alike. But when the artistic figurehead lashes out, it only reinforces a terribly damaging prima donna hole the field has been digging out of for some time.
It’s been nice to see this series go so long without an entry but there’s simply no way to avoid adding this to the pile.