Wednesday, 7/12/2017 was officially the Net Neutrality Day Of Action but even if you didn’t partake by contacting your representatives and/or the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), that doesn’t mean you’re too late. Here’s what you can do to help.
Contact your representatives and/or the Federal Communications Commission!
Yes, even though that was a primary goal on Wednesday, it’s still one of the most useful tools for you to get involved. To that end, I recommend using the same resource highlighted in a recent Nonprofit Technology Network article declaring their support for protecting Net Neutrality and keeping Title II classification for Internet Service Providers (ISP).
If you are on the fence about whether this could hurt the field, here’s a mountain of insight to help you clarify your position. But make no mistake, nonprofits will suffer if the FCC gives ISPs what they want.
If you need more convincing, just look at how much effort some of the largest ISPs, like AT&T, are applying in attempts to trick Net Neutrality supporters into becoming unwitting shills by coopting genuine Net Neutrality positions (pro tip: “open internet” is not the same thing as net neutrality; instead, it’s ISP jargon to muddy the waters).