Thanks to everyone who took a moment to reach out with feedback about last Friday’s Music of Star Trek Podcast. Hands down, the most requested feature was to make the pilot episode downloadable and as of now, that’s exactly what you can do.
Just look for the little download icon on the SoundCloud file.
If SoundCloud isn’t your streaming thing, you can now listen via YouTube:
The Really Exciting Part
Given how much positive feedback has come in, we’ve decided to move forward with figuring out what it will take to turn this into an ongoing series. You’ll see more on that soon but in the meantime, please tell us more about what you thought of the pilot episode and what you would love to see in an ongoing series.
Feel free to leave a message here or reach out on Facebook and Twitter. You can even send an email. If you know any of the panelists, go right ahead and touch base with them directly.