Recently, I had the pleasure of conducting a private Google Analytics training session with a performing arts organization and one of the skills we covered was how to use the Secondary Dimension function to cross tabulate data. During that process, one of the items we uncovered is the top three age groups that converted to ticket purchases using mobile devices were Women, age 55-64; Women, Age 65+; and Men, age 55-64.
It was a fun lightbulb moment for the arts admins as they had recently been trying to drive that concept home to key decision makers but lacked the data to support their position.
All it took to generate actionable decisions and begin securing decision maker buy-in was two clicks inside Google Analytics.
Two. Clicks.
That’s how crazy easy it is to use Secondary Dimensions inside Google Analytics.
In order to make sure everyone knows about this little feature, I published an article at ArtsHacker providing step by step instructions on its use and some useful examples of data to cross tabulate.
Last week's post about limitations in many of the box office and customer relationship management (CRM) platforms that specialize in the performing arts field…