For those who manage digital content, keeping track of the hundreds (if not thousands) of links living across an organization’s digital platforms makes cat herding look like child’s play.
One of the most common areas overlooked are boilerplate sections like header and footer content. Case in point, I recently received an email campaign from a big budget orchestra. For whatever reason, they’ve increased the frequency of their mailings and I noticed a Manage Preferences or Unsubscribe link in the footer and was hoping to find some options to adjust messaging frequency.
To my surprise, selecting the link took me to a page confirming that I’ve unsubscribed. At first, I thought I misread the link text but sure enough, it did say Manage Preferences or Unsubscribe (emphasis added).
While that may be a worst-case scenario of a target URL and/or link text that needs updating, it’s not exactly a pearl-clutching moment either. This experience made me paranoid enough to check my own email campaign templates and sure enough, an outdated link turned up in one with the most subscribers.
All of this serves as a good reminder why you should schedule some quality assurance time into your schedule for link checking across static header and footer content for websites and email campaign templates.
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