Adaptistration’s anticipated switch to the Moveable Type blogging software is now a reality. With it comes a bevy of new features:
You can now email individual articles directly to someone via the “email this entry” link located at the end of each post. Moveable Type maintains an ongoing automatic archive of all posts so it will be easier to find articles from the past. You can find the archives link toward the top of the right hand navigation column in the “About” section. Please keep in mind, however, that the archive by topic feature won’t be available in full for another few weeks since there are nearly 500 articles which were transplanted over from the old blogging platform. Every reader will be able to submit personal comments which will be available to all Adaptistration readers. To protect against malicious comments and spam, I have enabled a feature that allows comments to be held for approval the first time you post a comment. And, of course, you can always send a private email message which will not be available for public inspection. The new search feature, located in the right hand column, utilizes an engine is much more user friendly and does a better job of taking you to the correct articles. For those of you out there with dial up or slower network connections, photos will now be automatically displayed as thumbnails. As a result page loading times will be decreased significantly and I’ll be able to use higher resolution photos for the larger images.
In addition to all of those new goodies you’ll still be able to access all of the great old information (some of which like the “Lost but Not Forgotten” pages have been unavoidably down over the past few weeks). It’s all right where you’re used to seeing it in the right hand column; they’ve simply been better organized into subheadings such as “Resources” and “projects”.
Everything at Adaptistration is now licensed under a Creative Commons License, which allows those of you in academia an easier time with using material for instructional purposes. However, keep in mind some of the special projects will carry different Creative Commons Licenses than the standard license applied to the general blog postings.
Things To Come
Besides all of these wonderful new features you can take advantage of right now, there are several special features in the works. Such as:
establishing a weekly email summary of Adaptistration articles you can sign up to receive an updated and expanded glossary a new blogroll of sites outside of the wonderful collection of blogs here at Arts Journal Adaptistration merchandise available at CafePress
Furthermore, one of the most exciting new offerings will be a selection of Adaptistration publications which will be available for purchase at the Adaptistration CafePress online store. The publications are still a secret, but look for the first round of them to come out within the next few weeks.
Is Adaptistration Still Missing Anything?
Even with all of these enhancements it will take a week or two to work out some of the bugs, but Adaptistration will only grow to its full potential if readers like you take the time to send in your observations. So don’t be shy about submitting your remarks and ideas.
Great new look, Drew. I’m looking forward to the publications.
And no, this format doesn’t make you look fat.
This is so great! Love the new look.
Looks great! I think the changes are wonderful.