A few conductor related topics today. First, Sticks and Drones co-author Ron Spigelman posted an interesting response to my blog from earlier this week entitled You Say Tomato which examines the use of over-the-top adjectives in describing orchestra conductors. He has some fascinating points that are both analytical and thoughtful.
Next up is more discussion on the UK based reality television program “Maestro.” UK culture blogger Charlotte Higgins posted some thoughts about the series following its conclusion and the sheer volume of reader comments made me think about the blog post on this topic from Sticks and Drones’ other co-author, Bill Eddins.These two issues just go to show that the cult (or perhaps better defined as syndrome) of Maestro Mystique is alive and well (at least throughout North America and Europe).
What do you think, if they weren’t actively promoted the way that they are would conductors, as a group, have any more aurora of heightened value than a composer, soloist, etc.?