It has been awhile since I updated my consulting website and over the last weekend, I completed installing a new template and updated content. I don’t usually post this sort of housekeeping info here at Adaptistration but after having several people in the business I’ve known for some time contact me last week to say “I didn’t know you were an arts consultant,” it seems high time to point the updated business website…

Certainly, it is an enormous compliment to have colleagues and friends think so highly of this blog as to assume it is what I do for a living. It is a pleasure to write about the business on a daily basis but unfortunately, culture blogging doesn’t have enough of an audience (not by a long shot) to make this a positive cash-flow model.
Instead, my primary vocation for the past 15 years has been working as an arts consultant. Other than mentioning it on rare occasions in a blog post and including it in my personal about page, it seems unseemly to plaster the fact over every blog page and subject readers to unrestrained, not to mention undignified, shilling. The primary reasons readers visit is for the content and discussion and that won’t change any time soon.
Nonetheless, I invite you to stop by my business website and take a look around at the updated content. I work with a wide variety of clients from individual artists right up through international multi-million dollar projects. The website features a few new sections outlining services directly related to the sort of problems popping up everywhere as a result of the economy and you just might find yourself saying “I didn’t know he did that.”
This career is thoroughly enjoyable and solving the problems that come my way never gets old. So take a moment to see what I can do for you or your organization and never hesitate to give my office a call or send me an email to talk about your project or find out more about my work. Even though this is small business, it is always gratifying to make new friends.
<self-promotion mode: off>