Welcome to Adaptistration’s new look and layout. It marks the first significant step in a change toward moving form a single blog with a few ancillary outlets to a full-fledged online network that includes Adaptistration Jobs, Adaptistration Premium, Who’s Minding The Score?, and the Take a Friend To The Orchestra resource site. And the Adaptistration Network is still part of the Inside the Arts culture blog collective. Not bad for something that gets done in spare time, eh?…
The changes aren’t complete; I’ll be rolling out additional goodies over the next few weeks along with creating new content and updating what’s already here. One of the most significant changes in the new theme isn’t the cosmetic changes; instead, it’s a host of new tools that will take the reading experience more interactive and help you absorb and retain the content (keep an eye out for tooltips in the following paragraph!).
Case in point, the Orchestra Compensation Reports will be presented over the course of three days as opposed to the five it used to take due to the ability to use interactive data charts that can sort and segment information in each column. This means you’ll be able to see all of the [sws_css_tooltip position=”center” colorscheme=”rosewood” width=”300″ url=”http://icsom.org/” trigger=”ICSOM” fontSize=”14″]International Conference of Symphony and Opera Musicians (ICSOM) [/sws_css_tooltip] and [sws_css_tooltip position=”center” colorscheme=”rosewood” width=”375″ url=”http://www.ropaweb.org/” trigger=”ROPA” fontSize=”14″]Regional Orchestra Players Association (ROPA) [/sws_css_tooltip] data for each group (executives, music directors, concertmasters, and base musician salary) alongside total expenditure figures. You’ll be able to sort all of that data by conference, League group, highest/lowest figures, alphabetical, and more. The first installment in the 2001 series will go up tomorrow.
[sws_box_with_close box_size=”600″ close_button=”sws_red_circle_close” color_box=”sws_grey_box” rounded_corners=”7″]As an aside, Adaptistration Premium subscribers have been enjoying that feature for the past year.[/sws_box_with_close]
So I hope you’ll take the time to look around and see what’s new and offer up suggestions. It’s a work in progress and I’m curious to hear about your observations.
Here’s some new content you might not want to miss:
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The latest administrative openings from Adaptistration Jobs are available in the sidebar (the top two are the featured listings).
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The two most recent cartoons from Who’s Minding The Score? are in the sidebar as well.
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There’s a fun accordion style display in the sidebar that contains everything from the Weekly Email Summary subscription, member login, archives, latest comments, and more.
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A list of the most commented articles is available in the footer.
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Gone are Google AdWords so all you get is pure content.
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