I was planning on posting a nice roundup article about the Your Website Is Ugly! session from the National Arts Marketing Project Conference but much of the content I wanted to reference was from the Twitter hashtag #uglywebsites and for whatever reason, Twitter is having some sort of psychitzophrenic episode and the entire thread appears to have gone missing.
As such, I’m going to give Twitter a day or so to get their act together and then post something on Friday. In the meantime, fellow #uglywebsites panelist David Dombrosky posted an overview of the entire conference via storify.com, so be sure to check that out.
Another bright note is the conference is making all of the session handouts available at the conference website (kudos to them for going to all that trouble!). Here are the direct links to the handouts from the #uglywebsites session:
In the meantime, have a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving vacation and we’ll examine the session in a proper article on Friday (Damn the #twitterfails, full speed ahead!).