It was go-go-go this past weekend in Los Angeles, CA for the HEARTbeats Foundation’s benefit album release event (more on that later in the week when pictures are ready but you can purchase a copy now at iTunes); in the meantime, I wanted to post some thoughts on the Nashville Symphony Orchestra’s (NSO) news last week about made it into the news last week.
Nashville Scene reporter John Pitcher authored an excellent overview article published on 3/21/2013 that will help most folks better understand why Nashville’s challenges don’t deserve to be lumped into the garden variety work stoppages through the season of discontent.
There’s a good bit of my direct observations in Pitcher’s article so no need to repeat all of that here but I urge everyone out there to not only resist the urge to see what’s going on in Nashville through the lens of contemporary orchestra problems. Instead, look at it as something that has the very real potential to serve as an excellent example for how an institution can rise to meet, and beat, the rough and tumble reality of the economic downturn.
The 12/15/2016 edition of the Nashville Scene published an article by John Pitcher. The article reports that per the Nashville Symphony Orchestra's (NSO) most…
2 thoughts on “Back After A Whirlwind Weekend With Some Thoughts About Nashville”
Since the NSO isn’t going to renew their letter of credit, what do you see are viable alternatives to dealing with their debt? What other types of financial structures could be negotiated? And they don’t have any choice but to negotiate with the same bank group, correct? Obviously bankruptcy court was hinted at, but that would be a last resort…
I wish I had definitive answers for the questions but I’m not familiar enough with the specifics to provide anything with a necessary level of certainty. But those are certainly the correct sorts of questions to be asking.
Since the NSO isn’t going to renew their letter of credit, what do you see are viable alternatives to dealing with their debt? What other types of financial structures could be negotiated? And they don’t have any choice but to negotiate with the same bank group, correct? Obviously bankruptcy court was hinted at, but that would be a last resort…
I wish I had definitive answers for the questions but I’m not familiar enough with the specifics to provide anything with a necessary level of certainty. But those are certainly the correct sorts of questions to be asking.