WWFM, The Classical Network, broadcast an episode of A Tempo with host Rachel Katz on 9/7/2013 where I had the privilege of talking with Katz about some of the broader issues related to the Minnesota Orchestra Association (MOA) labor dispute such as proposed work rule changes and musician duties and responsibilities along with how all of this fits into today’s contemporary bargaining environment.
It is interesting to listen to the interview with the benefit of hindsight thanks to this week’s recent developments, especially those related to issues surrounding the value of negotiating when one party, or both, resists efforts to bargain in good faith.
My segment with Katz begins at the 14:00 mark; also of note at the 23:30 mark is an ancillary discussion about the growing influence of organized patron groups on labor disputes.
In the first half of the program, Katz talks about the MOA dispute with Susan Schurman, Dean of the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
One item we missed last week was an article about growing tensions in the Philadelphia Orchestra Association (POA) collective bargaining negotiations. Written by Peter…
I’ve shared this on Facebook, Drew. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and perspective.
You’re very welcome.