Although it just sort of happened to work out this way, it has been nice to spend most of the week focused on website oriented topics and as a result, it seems fitting to round things out with a plug for the 2013 National Arts Marketing Project Conference (#NAMPC) website panel I’ll be participating in on Sunday, 11/10/2013.
The last conference I took part in from 2011 was a very positive experience and I’m genuinely looking forward to see how this year’s conference unfolds. This year’s panel, moderated by Palm Beach Opera Director of Marketing & PR, Ceci Dadisman, is titled…wait…for…it…Winning Websites: Optimizing The Patron Experience; here’s the official session description:
Your website is not only the first impression you give to prospective patrons, but also an important part of any marketing initiative. How do you create an engaging experience that not only educates and inspires but also maximizes conversions? Examine recent website redesigns that have had positive results and data on best practices. Learn tools and tactics to use on your organization’s website that to make it more successful and engaging.
I’m particularly happy to see that the session will focus on nuts-and-bolts style discussions alongside real world examples. The third member of the panel is Opéra de Montréal Director of Sales and Marketing, Guillaume Thérien.
In addition to the panel, I’m honored to serve once again as a web expert for the conference’s One-To-One Coaching sessions on Sunday, 11/10/13. My session is titled Leave Lame Websites Behind Once And For All and according to the conference organizers, advance sign-up for the 20 minute sessions will available at some point this month.
If you haven’t done so already, be sure to register for #NAMPC as soon as you can!
In the meantime, which website related topics are you interested in that we missed this week? Send in a comment or a direct message and we’ll see about adding them to the topic list for future articles.