I’m off to Portland, Or for the 2013 National Arts Marketing Project Conference (#NAMPC) where I’ll be taking place as a panelist for the Winning Websites: Optimizing The Patron Experience session.
I’ll be participating on the panel alongside Opéra de Montréal Director of Sales and Marketing, Guillaume Thérien and moderator Ceci Dadisman, Palm Beach Opera’s Director of Marketing & PR. Here’s what you can expect via the official session description.
Your website is not only the first impression you give to prospective patrons, but also an important part of any marketing initiative. How do you create an engaging experience that not only educates and inspires but also maximizes conversions? Examine recent website redesigns that have had positive results and data on best practices. Learn tools and tactics to use on your organization’s website that to make it more successful and engaging.
In addition to the panel on Sunday 11/10/13 from 1:45pm – 3:15pm PST, I’m honored to serve once again as a web expert for the conference’s One-To-One Coaching sessions on Sunday, 11/10/13. My session is titled Leave Lame Websites Behind Once And For All and according to the conference organizers, advance sign-up for the 20 minute sessions will available at some point this month.
If you’re attending the conference please be in touch to say hello, talk shop, or schedule a time to talk about The Venture Platform or a consulting project. For any group interested in becoming a Venture user, be sure to ask about a special incentive just for those attending NAMPC.
I’ll be tweeting throughout the conference using both @VentureTweets @ Adaptistration plus you can reach out via cell or text at 708-990-0408 so feel free to follow along and join in the discussion. The conference hashtag is #NAMPC and you can follow the session via #WinningWebsites.
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The session will cover specific areas of websites and how redesigns in general impact conversion etc. I can’t speak for the other presenters but I have several examples and the slides will likely be released after I get back from the conference.
That sounds lovely, my time is a bit tight and I leave crack o’ dawn on Monday but I could probably find time on breakfast Sunday morning. I wish it wasn’t as much of a hit and run appearance but if nothing else, I’m certain will will definitely leave me wanting more! I’m staying at the conference hotel and the address etc. is on the conference website.
This is a great and overlooked topic. Is a list of “winning websites” already available?
The session will cover specific areas of websites and how redesigns in general impact conversion etc. I can’t speak for the other presenters but I have several examples and the slides will likely be released after I get back from the conference.
When do you leave Portland? Maybe I can buy you a real coffee instead of sending you coffee $$ through the interwebs.
That sounds lovely, my time is a bit tight and I leave crack o’ dawn on Monday but I could probably find time on breakfast Sunday morning. I wish it wasn’t as much of a hit and run appearance but if nothing else, I’m certain will will definitely leave me wanting more! I’m staying at the conference hotel and the address etc. is on the conference website.