It’s time to cut back on the HiPPO populatiuon; and no I don’t mean the large, mostly herbivorous mammal found in sub-Saharan Africa, instead, we’re talking about the acronym HiPPO, which stands for Highest Paid Person’s Opinion.
We’ve all wasted too much time during meetings and made decisions that didn’t produce the best potential return on investment due to a lack of data and in that void, HiPPOs love to spread their love.
So in order to help push back, I published an article today at ArtsHacker titled 10 Resolutions Every Arts Manager Should Make For Better Data Driven Decisions In 2016. And since it’s ArtsHacker, instead of taking the easy way out and simply listing the resolutions, you’ll get all sorts of accompanying resources and step-by-step guides so you can actually set those resolutions in motions (not to mention preventing all-too-convenient #ResolutionFail).
The only thing more fulfilling than successfully filling a demand is doing it alongside a group of enormously talented colleagues and friends. To that…