If there’s one area where arts organizations have untapped expense reduction savings, it’s creating a more efficient process for integrating and updating your existing web, Box Office, and CRM systems. To that end, one of the most popular articles here for the past several years has been Understanding The Relationship Between Websites, Box Office, and CRM which I recently updated for 2016.
In addition to general updates, the article continues to walk you through everything you need to know about what those systems are and how they integrate.
There’s also a brand new section about ecommerce that examines key items you need to be thinking about if your existing Box Office and CRM providers do not provide a robust enough ecommerce solution to fit your needs.
If you’re starting out on a process to update these systems, taking the time to internalize this content will go a long way toward helping you control expenses and get far more bang for your development buck.
The 5/18/2016 edition of Fortune.com published an article by David Meyer that highlights a new piece of wearable technology designed to provide deaf people…
Did you know that a routine boilerplate included in many grant agreements (especially those from government sources) stipulates the receiving organization agrees that their…