Last month we examined a music listening blog from violinist Timothy Judd and I want to take a moment today and point out another relatively new culture blog written by Jason Haaheim, Principal Timpanist of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra…oh, he’s also a scientist with nearly a dozen patents and more than twice that number in scientific publications.
Since his inaugural post examining what it’s like to move from the world of scientific research to opera orchestra timpanist, it’s been a hit with readers. Some of Haaheim’s most popular posts to date include a deep dive into what it’s like starting out as a brand new member of the Met opera orchestra along with his outlook on what it takes to maintain a healthy career and engaged as a musician in a field that has a reputation for grinding down those on the inside.
Full disclosure mode, Haaheim is a client and if you’re wondering just how awesome it is to be a part of helping individuals like him start and cultivate culture blogs that are as entertaining as they are engaging, I can confirm it is every bit as good as it sounds.
Regular readers with a good memory might recognize Haaheim’s name when it appeared here in a post from April 25, 2017. He was one of the Met musicians who designed and implemented one of their Community Performance Series concerts for ailing Veterans at the Veterans Affairs NY Harbor Healthcare System Facility.
From a big picture perspective, Haaheim is still at the onset of his Met career and having someone at that point in time maintaining such a meticulous record is bound to produce more than a few engaging articles. As such, you should see about adding it to your existing reading list.