I’m at the National Arts Marketing, Development & Ticketing Conference today running a session on Google Analytics and hosting some roundtable sessions but I wanted to quickly point out a short-but-sweet post about the dangers of writing off entire communication channels just because they are rooted in traditional approaches.
Ceci Dadisman published an article at her Medium blog in the form of a reassuring rant about why you don’t want to write off communication channels like print ads or direct mail.
You can’t make the blanket statement that “print doesn’t work” without looking at the target groups and the market in which they reside. In some markets, print ads in a particular publication are very effective and in others they are not.
Determining your mix of channels requires doing a little research and data analysis to land on what works best for you.
If nothing else, you can begin to tell the difference between professionals who really know their craft and those who lean on dubious popular perspective by how much they avoid or lean into universal statements.
The 4/9/18 edition of ArabNews.com published an article that reports a new agreement between Saudi Arabia and the Paris Opera "to help Saudi Arabia set…