April 2022 is the month where most employers in New York City will be required to post minimum and maximum salary figures for all job openings. We examined this topic in greater detail throughout the course of 2021 as it applies to nonprofit job openings.
Nutshell: salary transparency is a good thing for the orchestra sector. It doesn’t matter if it’s an actual salary or an hourly wage, posting the amounts provides workers the ability to understand why they are paid what they are, and it helps employers think long and hard about how they set those rates.
As of the date this article was published, 68 percent of listings at ArtsAdminJobs.com include either a salary range or the hourly rate. That ratio has been consistent throughout the course of the pandemic once employers started rehiring.
I’m curious to know more about how salary transparency is unfolding at your organizations. Is it limited to an executive level conversation or are you having a more inclusive discussion across the entire office? Take a moment to share in a comment below or at social media.