If you’re a weekly email summary subscriber, you’ll notice a new look for today’s email blast. Thanks to a great set of metrics tools provided by the email marketing client along with the bevy of beefy offerings from the powerhouse that is Google Analytics, the weekly email has been streamlined to provide much more of what folks are looking for and function even better on mobile platforms like smartphones and tablets.
But what’s really worth mentioning here is just how little time it took to dig through all of this data compared to tools that were available even a year ago. When combined with improvements in ease of formatting email content, the entire process, from analysis to final design, took less than two hours where previous redesign efforts took a day or more.
It all serves as a good reminder that if you haven’t popped your head up to take a hard look at what the enhanced Google Analytics offers along with the fantastic email marketing tools from providers like VerticalResponse and MailChimp (for my money, hands down the best providers around right now) then do yourself a favor and make the time.
Here’s a peek at the new layout’s mockup and if you’re interested in getting on the mailing list, head over to the subscription page and sign up.
I’m en route to Chattanooga today to attend a concert on Thursday, 3/2/2017 of my wife, violinist Holly Mulcahy, performing Jim Stephenson’s Tributes violin…
I’d also add Campaign Monitor (http://www.campaignmonitor.com) to that list. I thought Vertical Response was great until I started using CM, and CM leaves VR in the dust. Easy to use templates, darn fast sends, and tons of good options. I can now generate and have an email in people’s inboxes in less than 15 minutes if content is immediately available. For us, it was also less expensive than Vertical Response.
Although I’d put CM in a strong #3 or #4 position on my list (at least, as of today since this field changes so quickly) it still has a few critical shortcomings from the perspective of someone who uses these accounts from a client management use.
From a single user only point of view, I think CM would bump up a bit but I’ve never experienced slow deliveries from either VM or MC before, even on campaigns with a few thousand list members. Likewise, the delivery turnaround for VM and MC is minutes within the send. As an example, the weekly email summaries (which have all the content ready to go, all I do is copy and paste from feeds into the template), take anywhere from 5-15 minutes to construct, send a test, review and send.
QUESTION: But looking at this from the other perspective, I’m curious to know which email providers folks have used in the past year which you wish you could toss out the window (and why).
Those are good points from a client management standpoint, and I admit I haven’t had to think about it from that perspective.
I hate to say it, because I believe that these folks truly care about the industry, but I was compelled to use PatronMail for a while not long ago, and promptly ditched it for many reasons:
– It was slow.
– It was ugly.
– It persisted in telling me that Safari on my Mac wasn’t an eligible browser (to which I put put Safari in developer mode and told it to tell PatronMail that it was Firefox and everything worked perfectly).
– Their templates were poorly designed. I resorted to building every blast in DreamWeaver and importing the HTML. Ugh.
I’d also add Campaign Monitor (http://www.campaignmonitor.com) to that list. I thought Vertical Response was great until I started using CM, and CM leaves VR in the dust. Easy to use templates, darn fast sends, and tons of good options. I can now generate and have an email in people’s inboxes in less than 15 minutes if content is immediately available. For us, it was also less expensive than Vertical Response.
Although I’d put CM in a strong #3 or #4 position on my list (at least, as of today since this field changes so quickly) it still has a few critical shortcomings from the perspective of someone who uses these accounts from a client management use.
From a single user only point of view, I think CM would bump up a bit but I’ve never experienced slow deliveries from either VM or MC before, even on campaigns with a few thousand list members. Likewise, the delivery turnaround for VM and MC is minutes within the send. As an example, the weekly email summaries (which have all the content ready to go, all I do is copy and paste from feeds into the template), take anywhere from 5-15 minutes to construct, send a test, review and send.
QUESTION: But looking at this from the other perspective, I’m curious to know which email providers folks have used in the past year which you wish you could toss out the window (and why).
Those are good points from a client management standpoint, and I admit I haven’t had to think about it from that perspective.
I hate to say it, because I believe that these folks truly care about the industry, but I was compelled to use PatronMail for a while not long ago, and promptly ditched it for many reasons:
– It was slow.
– It was ugly.
– It persisted in telling me that Safari on my Mac wasn’t an eligible browser (to which I put put Safari in developer mode and told it to tell PatronMail that it was Firefox and everything worked perfectly).
– Their templates were poorly designed. I resorted to building every blast in DreamWeaver and importing the HTML. Ugh.
You know me, I love me some iContact as well. 😉
So. Many. Good. Choices. 🙂