I’m moderating a Virtual Discussion Panel this week at Polyphonic.org about the expectations vs. realities of winning and maintaining a position in a professional orchestra. Of course, it wouldn’t be quite as interesting if the panelists were all professional musicians, it would end up sounding more like preaching to the choir. Instead, the eight member panel is divided into a number of unique groups…
Month: May 2006
Apparently, It Takes More Than “Obvious Looks Of Disapproval”
On average, I’m not the kind of individual that finds most of the humorous content sent to me via email all that funny. The operative word there is “most”.
Supply & Demand or Supplying the Demand?
In December, 2005 I published an article at the Partial Observer which examined the impact Yale School of Music’s decision to go tuition-free for graduate students would have on the classical music business…
Turning Lemons Into Lemonade
Just a short post today because I want to put something up letting everyone know that I’ll be releasing some really fascinating material toward the end of May or beginning of June. I’ve had the good fortune to work with an accomplished systems expert who came up with an idea that should go a long way toward helping managers and board members begin to see their respective environments in a new …