All About The Schermerhorn Symphony Center Part 3

Following on the heels of Part 1 and Part 2 in this series examining the new Schermerhorn Symphony Center (SSC) in Nashville, TN, this installment will continue by examining the administration offices, education facilities, and one of the center’s more unique components, a fully equipped commercial kitchen…

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All About The Schermerhorn Symphony Center Part 1

Regular Adaptistration readers know that the Nashville Symphony’s Schermerhorn Symphony Center (SSC) project has been the focus of several articles here since 2003. Those articles have examined just about everything there is to know behind how and why their new facility’s evolution. Now that the SSC is a reality it is time to take a detailed look into as many nooks and crannies as we can to see exactly what those labors have produced…

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Nashville Symphony Gala Review

To be more precise, this is a tale of three concerts as opposed to a review of only one. A new concert hall is a particular creature, just because the building is completed doesn’t mean that it’s settled into its sound. This might not be obvious if you listen to a single concert but it becomes clear once you hear a few of them in a row, especially if you can hear multiple performances of the same program…

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