Unlike the overall rankings, the Orchestra Website Review detailed ratings provide an additional glimpse into how well each orchestra performed by category…
Month: September 2006
2006 Orchestra Website Review: Overall Rankings
On the positive side, the average score for 2006 was 60.23, which is an increase over last year’s average score of 58.93…
What’s New For The 2006 Orchestra Website Review
Although the evaluation parameters between 2005 and 2006 have not changed as much as between the 2004 and 2005 evaluations, there have been some modifications along the following key points…
The 3rd Annual Adaptistration Orchestra Website Review
Introduction & Evaluation Criteria
Between 8/26/06 and 8/31/06, I examined 80 professional orchestra websites and ranked them by how well they presented their concert schedule, sold tickets, provided organizational information, facilitated making donations, and on overall content and functionality…
All About The Schermerhorn Symphony Center Part 4
Picking up where we left off in Part 3, this installment in the series examining the new Schermerhorn Symphony Center (SSC) in Nashville, TN will examine the musician facilities, back stage facilities, box office, and dressing rooms…