The Internal Governance and Modernization Project

For the past season, I have had the pleasure of working with the Musicians of the Phoenix Symphony on a program dubbed the Internal Governance and Modernization Project. I published some early information about the project last summer but I wanted to take a moment to publish a few additional documents in advance of some detailed articles which will appear in the near future. One is an as-of-yet not released version of a press release outlining the program’s early accomplishments and the other is a letter I composed to the Musicians of The Phoenix Symphony at the conclusion of the project…

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Columbus Season To Continue Unabated

According to an April 28, 2008 press release issued by the Columbus Symphony Orchestra (CSO) board, the organization will not cut short any of the scheduled classical or pops concerts from now through May 31, 2008. This decision was reached during a board meeting following the unanimous decision by the musicians of the CSO to reject the board’s last, best, and final negotiation offer and an individual donation from an unnamed board member. It is good to see that the board has taken the first of two
necessary steps to avoid institutional collapse. The first was to move
away from threats of canceling any of the current season and now all
that remains is to enact step two: an independent review of the board’s
proposed financial plan…

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Getting Empowered in Columbus

Although the topic usually doesn’t get much attention beyond the discussion stage, discovering meaningful ways to empower patrons is critical for the future success of this business. Fortunately, the internet offers a wide range of tools to those with the energy, concern, and inclination to build interest in their local orchestra. One superb example recently popped up in Columbus, Ohio when three patrons banded together to create My Inside The …

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