Taking Stock Friday

Sometimes, it feels like the days just melt away, but it’s better to be busy than bored. To that end, here are some of the things that occupy my time as of late. Consulting Work I’m very happy to say that the musician employment agreement model I wrote about back in April 2019 is starting to catch on. While I can’t go into nearly as much detail as that article, I …

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Well This Is Interesting

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The 4/9/18 edition of ArabNews.com published an article that reports a new agreement between Saudi Arabia and the Paris Opera “to help Saudi Arabia set up a national orchestra and an opera.” The article doesn’t provide many details other than mentioning “the Paris Opera company help the Kingdom produce its own classical music and shows.” Consequently, this will likely be more of a wait and see type of scenario. Having been in …

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Three Big Mistakes To Avoid When Negotiating Overscale

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Part of my traditional consulting includes providing direct negotiation services and/or providing negotiation counsel and support for musicians, executives, music directors, and boards seeking to create or amend an individual work agreement. For musicians, these are colloquially known as overscale contracts and among those three stakeholders, it isn’t unusual to see a musician inadvertently limit his/her potential earnings due to falling victim to one or more of these three common bear …

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Time To Spruce Things Up A Bit

It may only be Wednesday but it has been a busy week for new and updated web work. Regular readers already know that ArtsHacker launched on Monday (and has been doing gangbuster traffic!) but there was a good bit of overtime for big updates at both InsidetheArts.com and OrcehstraConsulting.com. InsideTheArts.com features a new grid style layout for the homepage, a new header graphic, a new logo, and an ultra zen nav …

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It isn’t often that I get to talk about some of my more clandestine projects but today is a happy exception; in particular, this project covered the trio of days I was away earlier this month in New York City. And now that Opera America (OA) has announced their Building Opera Audiences Grants recipients, it is safe to mention that I had the honor of serving on the grant panel. Without …

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