For those with plans to attend the National Performing Arts Convention in Denver next week, make a note to attend The Online Salon Movement, Thursday, June 12, 2008; 4:30-5:45pm, in Room 303 at the Colorado Convention Center where my fellow panelists and I will engage in an inclusive discussion about how the "blogosphere" continues to transform the way arts organizations interact with the media and the public at large." Moderator Monica Reinagel has done an excellent job at getting everyone prepared for the panel discussion and there will be ample opportunity for those in attendance to take part in the session. In addition to serving as a speaker for the panel session, I’m putting together a special edition of the How To Connect With New Media article series as a FREE, downloadable eBook…
Consulting Projects
The Internal Governance and Modernization Project
For the past season, I have had the pleasure of working with the Musicians of the Phoenix Symphony on a program dubbed the Internal Governance and Modernization Project. I published some early information about the project last summer but I wanted to take a moment to publish a few additional documents in advance of some detailed articles which will appear in the near future. One is an as-of-yet not released version of a press release outlining the program’s early accomplishments and the other is a letter I composed to the Musicians of The Phoenix Symphony at the conclusion of the project…