I spent a portion of the weekend updating my converting my consulting website from a hand coded html platform over to the same blogging platform I use for blogging. Although I required some detailed coding the long-term benefits are many, including simplified updating expanded offerings via the WordPress platform. In addition to the new platform is an updated graphic design and even though I still have some material to update, I do have information about my Area-51 project from this summer available so if you’ve been anxious to learn more about where I was and what I was doing, you’re in luck…
Consulting Projects
Ramadan Kareem
My last day in Area-51 provides just a taste of Ramadan before flying out this evening. Without a doubt, this has been an enormously fulfilling project and although the past five days have been jam packed with activity it has all been productive and worthwhile. The association’s board approved the proposed organizational model capable of supporting required operations so the next step in the process is the implementation stage. One fascinating …
When Language Is Art
I’m in the home stretch of my Area-51 project; the big board presentation is tomorrow and the slide translations are complete. It is a shame I’m not able to share them with everyone in advance of the presentation as the native language for Area-51 is, from this American’s point of view, particularly elegant and categorically artistic. That, in combination with the wonderful templates provided by the parent organization (complete with color …
Double It And Take Half Off
We’re rapidly approaching the deadline for the big presentation which will mark the end of my Area-51 project and even though putting together a PowerPoint presentation is always something of mixed blessing this project throws an interesting wrench into the process. In particular, what is the best way to construct dual language slides without overloading content or losing viewer interest… So far, there are two primary options: Create two copies of …
Extended Stay And Social Engineering
It looks like I’ll be staying in Area-51 a bit longer; at the very least I’ll be on site through August 31. Consequently, the Annual Website Reviews may be a bit late this year but rest assured they will be out in the Fall. The work routine is settling into a nice pattern which should provide some time to set up the evaluation schedule and examine the review criteria. I should …