Join The RSS Love

For reasons yet to be determined, Adaptistration has enjoyed a nice spike in RSS feed subscriptions over the past few weeks. This heady leap made me realize that I rarely promote all of the useful RSS options readers have available to follow posts, comments, and comment threads; as such, there’s no better time than the present…

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When Is The Philadelphia Orchestra Not The Philadelphia Orchestra?

Most folks have likely noticed the news about the Philadelphia Orchestra musicians accepting pay and hiring freezes for most positions along with some hefty pension concessions. The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Peter Dobrin reports on those concessions in an article from 2/27/2010. In and of itself, there’s nothing remarkable here; the Philadelphia players are mirroring what their colleagues elsewhere are doing by accepting concessions that help reduce immediate financial pressure. What is of interest is this nugget buried at the bottom of the article…

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Venture Project Update: Fun With Wireframes

The Venture Project has been officially underway for a little while now and one of the first items to be addressed is designing the Creative Control Engine (CCE), Venture’s extraordinary website publishing system and content management component. In short, CCE is how users will be able to manage and control a large, dynamic collection of web based material as well as providing direct control over all elements related to building and revising an institutional website. The initial step in that process is solidifying the design architecture by developing a series of wireframes, or visual guides…

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