Parallels Among Pension Problems

I hope everyone out there who cares about orchestras is taking the time to follow the airline industry pension crisis.  It’s been captivating to follow the recent round of Senate Finance Committee hearings which are attempting to gather information so Congress can determine how it should update pension-funding rules. In a nutshell, the problem is some of the largest corporations in the country don’t have enough money in their defined benefit …

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Big News Regarding Same-Sex Marriage Benefits

I received a note from Alan Gordon, the National Executive Director for AGMA, about a significant development regarding their Health and Retirement Plan.  As of December 7th, 2004 the union adopted a provision that:

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Domestic Partner Contract Language

Arts Admin. Hey Girl, It's The Sexy Career Choice

In the course of examining the settlement bulletin from the recent Dallas Symphony contract negotiation, I noticed that one of the additions to their contract language had to do with same-sex domestic partners, in particular here’s what was included:

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Pension Plans And Negotiations Part 2

Adaptistration People 033

To continue where Part 1 left off, we’ll examine how some of the pension issues related to the Philadelphia Orchestra situation have influenced the course of negotiations. The Philadelphia Orchestra Association (POA) utilizes a defined benefits pension plan. This means the POA and not the individual players assume the risk to ensure that the pension plan has enough funds to make the required payments to retired employees. The POA expands on …

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