An Interview With Klaus Heymann Part 1

Step three in this series entitled “How To Save Classical Music” is an interview with Klaus Heymann, Chairman of HNH International, the parent company of Naxos.  I spoke to Klaus in early April where we discussed several of his ideas and observations about the current state of classical music and its future.

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Reader Response: What Do You Consider Professional

Recently I received an email from B.R. in Santa Fe who wrote in to ask about an article back from November entitled What Do You Consider Professional?.  B.R. was wondering if there was ever any additional conversation on the topic or if it ever extended to “what is considered a professional musician”.  B.R. says, “I read with interest your writing in Adaptistration on what is a professional orchestra. I have had …

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Why the NSJO Strad Fiasco is Bad For Pittsburgh

If you’ve been following this fantastic saga about Herbert R. Axelrod, the New Jersey Symphony orchestra, and a gaggle of really old, expensive string instruments, then I hope you caught Arts Journal’s Sunday Music headlines.  The principal headline featured the article in the NY Times by Richard Lezin Jones about the Axelrod’s “gift” to the NJSO, but if you skipped the secondary headline do yourself a favor and go give it …

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