The Adaptistration Christmas Music Poll

In the spirit of Bill-n-Ron’s CHRISTMAS MUSIC SMACK DOWN over at Sticks and Drones, I thought it would be fitting to poll readers on where their feelings currently stand about Christmas music. As such, take a moment to read the contrasting positions from Bill and Ron and then weigh in on the following poll: <br /><br /><a href ="" >survey software</a> – <a href ="" >Take Our Poll</a>

Some Thoughts On Honolulu

If you haven’t been keeping up with the situation developing at the Honolulu Symphony, the organization is in the midst of a cash flow predicament. As a result, they have not been able to meet payroll since Friday, December 14. My Inside The Arts blogging neighbor, Joe Patti, wrote about this issue in grater detail on December 18 but I wanted to add a few thoughts to his prudent observations…

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Jacksonville: $1.25 Mil. In Concessions But Lockout Ensues

Although a 15 hour negotiating session on December 14, 2007 yielded $1.25 million in concessions from musicians, the Jacksonville Symphony Association (JSA) and the Jacksonville Symphony Players’ Association (JSPA) were unable to craft a final agreement. As a result, the current lockout will continue well into the opening weeks of 2008. Furthermore, the JSA will carry out plans to cancel musician health care coverage at the end of December…

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Perlman x 2

The Westchester Philharmonic’s recent decision to appoint Itzhak Perlman as artistic director received a double-dose of attention this week in the New York media. The New York Times published an article by Dan Wakin which examines Mr. Perlman’s trek toward a regular conducting gig. The other article was published as an opinion piece in Newsday by me and focuses on how Perlman’s appointment may influence the balance between regional orchestras in the New York area as well as give the Westchester Phil an opportunity to "Advance to Go"…

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