I Wouldn’t Really Say I Missed The Olympics

Everything moves in cycles and for whatever reason, getting excited about the 2012 Summer Olympics hasn’t made my to-do list. The only footage I’ve seen was via a television in a public space or when summer festival housemates were watching. Even then, the entire thing was more background noise than anything else but one item that caught my attention was the US national anthem.

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I Wouldn't Really Say I Missed The Olympics

Everything moves in cycles and for whatever reason, getting excited about the 2012 Summer Olympics hasn’t made my to-do list. The only footage I’ve seen was via a television in a public space or when summer festival housemates were watching. Even then, the entire thing was more background noise than anything else but one item that caught my attention was the US national anthem.

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MN Orchestra Musicians Oppose State Marriage Amendment

It has been a long time since we examined issues related to same-sex and domestic partner relationships but a recent decision by the Musicians of the Minnesota Orchestra (MMO) to formally oppose a Minnesota state amendment which would constitutionally limit marriage to opposite-sex couples is a good reason to revisit the topic.

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The Leinsdorf Exit Interview

I’m back in Chicago after a wonderful working vacation at the Grand Teton Music Festival and am in the process of getting my head above the sea of emails, voice messages and the rest. As such, today’s post is a quick link over to a fascinating series of videos from 1969 at the WGBH website titled Tanglewood Tales: The Leinsdorf Exit Interview. It is fun to see the predictions juxtaposed against how things actually changed.

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