Following yesterday’s post, The Real Issue In Indianapolis, a number of readers wrote in asking about the actual negotiation terms currently proposed by both sides. I would caution anyone from getting too wrapped up in the details of terms at this point but here’s an overview of current proposals.
Month: August 2012
The Real Issue In Indianapolis
News started flowing out of Indianapolis on Tuesday as a result of the eleventh hour labor negotiations between the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra (ISO) and its musicians. The latter went public with what they assert are draconian austerity measures being proposed by the board and all things being equal, those details should be center of attention; but there’s something ISO stakeholders should be even more concerned about.
It’s Like Stealing, But Without The Guilt Or Criminal Record
If you use any of the stand alone Adobe products or have the mega-bucks needed to acquire the full blown Creative Master Edition, then you should probably check out the current 40 percent off offer in place for their new Creative Cloud solution. It’s only for existing registered users of individual products and suite editions from CS3 or later but that means if you have something like an old copy of …
It's Like Stealing, But Without The Guilt Or Criminal Record
If you use any of the stand alone Adobe products or have the mega-bucks needed to acquire the full blown Creative Master Edition, then you should probably check out the current 40 percent off offer in place for their new Creative Cloud solution. It’s only for existing registered users of individual products and suite editions from CS3 or later but that means if you have something like an old copy of …
“One of the reasons we have violence in the schools is we’ve taken music out of the schools.”
If there were ever a time to be cutting back on arts and culture in this country, now is just about the worst time to consider it. Recently my wife and I watched Bowling for Columbine, the Michael Moore documentary about high school gun violence, and not so much as a day later the tragic events of the Perry Hall high school shooting unfolded. Add to that, an 8/25/2012 post from Norm Lebrecht highlighting the quote from jazz musician Byard Lancaster used as today’s headline and you have the makings for some profound realization.