2020 Orchestra Compensation Reports: Concertmasters

For the third year in a row, the 2017/18 season produced a positive gain in the average concertmaster’s compensation level. Having said that, and not counting years with negative growth, this was the third smallest average increase since the 99/00 season. The Information In order to provide information that is as accurate as possible, info from the 2017/18 season is gathered from the following source: Concertmaster compensation figures were obtained from their respective …

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2020 Orchestra Compensation Reports: Music Directors

If you were a music director during the 2017/18 season, there’s a good chance you had six hundred and forty-five thousand or so good reasons to say it was an exceptional year. One conductor managed to have more than three million good reasons. The Information In order to provide information that is as accurate as possible, info from the 2017/18 season is gathered from the following sources: Music Director compensation figures were obtained …

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