More Under The Heading “Not Everyone Is Cancelling”

The Seattle Symphony Orchestra (SSO) recently announced plans to begin performing live concerts via streaming platform as a cornerstone of 20/21 activity. If their county government engages Phase 4 of their reopening strategy during the season, they plan on introducing in-person audience live concerts. According to the SSO’s press statement, streamed performances will include guest artists although none were named. Programs will feature onstage performances with socially distanced Seattle Symphony musicians …

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#TBT Modifiers Matter

Granted, today’s #TBT post is only a few months old but the most recent batch of cancellation notices arriving in my inbox indicate we could all use take a breath and remember that modifiers matter. There are still far too many instances of adjectives and adverbs that project a defeatist attitude when messages should gravitate toward messages of hope and/or confidence. Choose Your Modifiers Carefully

When It Comes To Diversity, Are We Just Churning Butter With A Toothpick?

I keep meaning to find time to write something on the topic of diversity and representation in response to an article on that subject by Anthony Tommasini in the 7/16/2020 edition of the New York Times. In a nutshell, Tommasini attempts to support the conclusion that diversity on-stage can be improved if orchestras abandon screened auditions. It fails to stick a landing thanks in large part because screened auditions don’t have …

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New Union Rules Provide A Glimpse Into The Future Of Our New Normal


Recently, Joe Patti published an article at ArtsHacker that examines a COVID-19 reopening guide from the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), the union which has members working in performing arts venues, convention centers, movies, and television productions. If you work in an environment that employs IATSE members, it is worth reviewing the guidelines to get a sense of what the union expects working conditions to look like. Granted, these …

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State Of Employment Poll & Review August 3 – 9

Following last week’s increase in overall under-employed and unemployed statuses, responses remained steady at those new levels. Weekly Report Responses from Administrators continue to show a migration from those indicating being furloughed to fully laid off. The only real uptick this last week was the increase in those working at reduced hours and pay. Salaried musicians maintained saw zero responses from respondents being paid regular salary and benefits and a small increase …

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