UPDATE FRIDAY 3/19: the response to this news has been so strong I decided to leave the survey up as the top post for a second day in a row. There have been a number of excellent suggestions coming in with responses, thank you and keep them coming!
Now that job postings are returning to pre-pandemic levels, I want to take Arts Admin Jobs to the next level and introduce a candidate database where job seekers can post their information free of charge and employers can use for a small fee to find admin talent.
While this is quite common at jobs sites specializing in commercial sectors, it’s still rare for the nonprofit performing arts field. Having said that, there’s no reason it should and given how much the pandemic has shaken up the field, there is more fabulous talent available than ever before.
To make everything for v1.0 as useful as possible, I want to solicit some feedback from employers on the sorts of filters that would make the process of finding candidates efficient.
There's an excellent article in the 6/12/2019 edition of fastcampny.com by Ben Paynter that examines two recent studies on nonprofit staff compensation. Spoiler alert:…