Revisiting Frank

Although I had the opportunity to meet a number of wonderful folks (you know who you are) during my recent trip to NYC for the Nashville Symphony’s Spring For Music concert it was a sincere pleasure to bump into Frank J. Oteri. Regular readers and culture blog denizens are likely well aware of Frank and his work at NMBX (NewMusicBox) but if he’s someone that isn’t on your radar, then you should set aside some time this week and remedy that condition.

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Heading To Nepal

From December 13 – 23 I’ll be in Kathmandu, Nepal in conjunction with my work as an executive board member of the HEARTbeats Foundation, a 501(c)3 charitable organization which strives to help children in need harness the power of music to better cope with, and recover from, the extreme challenges of poverty and conflict. As the pilot country for this program, our team of education experts, artists, and musicians will spend several days working with children in Bhaktapur and Baglung…

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Self Inflicted Wounds

Holly Mulcahy published the last installment in her series of articles which examines how each group of orchestral stakeholders can manage to alienate current and potential concertgoers. Having already covered music directors, musicians, and managers, the final article takes a satirical look at how audience members manage to alienate each other. I’m sure any long time concertgoers will recognize more than a few of the offenses listed or may even be guilty of one or more (I’m guilty of #10 and resolve to be better).

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Managers Alienate Ticket Buyers?

At least that’s the premise for Holly Mulcahy’s latest installment of how different stakeholders within the business push away potential audience members. I find myself agreeing with most of her points and if anything, I think she could have focused more of the article on the different ways managers create (or fail to create) an inviting concert environment…

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Orchestra Musicians Can Be Temperamental?

Continuing in her series of articles entitled “How To Alienate Your Audience In 10 Easy Steps” Holly Mulcahy published the second installment which focuses on musician behavior. Although orchestra musicians don’t have as much direct contact with concertgoers or board members as music directors, there are plenty of points where poor conduct and a sloppy image can alienate audience members…

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