Have you ever wondered what your favorite composers would look like if they lived in the The Simpsons universe? Me too…
Fortunately, the powers-that-be at the Simpsons Empire started simpsonizeme.com, a website capable of transforming photos into a Simpsons-style character. At first, I was a little skeptical how accurate the Simpsonizing process was, but after running a couple of popular composers through it, I thought it worked well (with the exception of one).
But don’t take my word for it, see if can recognize the following composers as imagined through the Simpsonizing process (I’ll post the answers tomorrow):
Of course, this isn’t the first time the comic minds at The Simpsons have grown something funny from the soil of classical music, remember “Performing Gustav Mahler In Abject Squalor?”
On 3/16/2012, composer and arts administrator Rob Deemer wrote an article for NewMusicBox that included a list of women composers. His motivation was rooted…
1. Mahler? (How does anybody come up with Mahler? Maybe, the hair…)
3.Richard Strauss
4.Schoenberg (but he shouldn’t be smiling) Wait, wait, it probably IS Copeland!
5.? Bernstein is more handsome than that, and his hair is more unruly!
OK, here goes…
1. Mahler
2. Wagner
3. Richard Strauss
4. Copland
5. Bernstein (?)
1: Mahler
2: Wagner
3: No idea (looks like an old, bald Hitler to me)
4: Copland
5: Bernstein
1 Mahler
2 Wagner
3 ?
4 Copland
5 ?
Why is Wagner smiling? He doesn’t seem like the “happy” type of guy to me.
It would be a riot to see all of these guys in the same room during a Simpson’s episode just to see how they would have them interact.
Here are my guesses:
1 Mahler
2 Wagner
3 Bruckner (although I agree with the Hitler comment)
4 Copland
5 Bernstein
1. Mahler
2. Wagner
3. Strauss
4. Copland
5. Bernstein
1. Mahler
2. Wagner
3. Strauss
4. Copland
5. Bernstein
1. Mahler? (How does anybody come up with Mahler? Maybe, the hair…)
3.Richard Strauss
4.Schoenberg (but he shouldn’t be smiling) Wait, wait, it probably IS Copeland!
5.? Bernstein is more handsome than that, and his hair is more unruly!