Ode To A Ford

Whatever you’re doing, stop and gather around anyone in your immediate vicinity to watch this video and learn more about this project! The video, which has been released in certain parts of Europe and the UK, is a commercial produced by Ford Motor Company to promote one of their redesigned cars, the Ford Focus. You can watch a larger version of the video here and for any naysayers out there saying "no way, that has to be fake" read on…

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How To Connect With New Media: Action List

A number of readers have requested a condensed, list-style version summarizing the main points from the How To Connect With New Media series of articles. Since the majority of those requests originated from Weekly Email Summary subscribers, what better way to demonstrate how much reader feedback is appreciated than to offer this article as a special “Subscribers Only” installment. If you missed any of the original articles in the series you …

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Tentative Agreement In Omaha

According to information released late Thursday afternoon, the Omaha Symphony Association (OSA) and the Omaha Symphony Musicians’ Organization (OSMO) are close to reaching an agreement after performing the entire season on an expired contract. The OSMO conducted a ratification meeting late Thursday evening. If ratified by the musicians, details of the new agreement will be posted as soon as possible (so check back later today). In the meantime, you can read more about the prolonged negotiations by doing a search for "Omaha" via Adaptistration’s new Google custom search feature n the right-hand navigation column (more on that later, but it’s a fantastically efficient search tool, much better than its predecessor) as well as the OSMO webpage and the OSA webpage.

UPDATE 2/8/08: Further details were made availalbe in a press release issued by the OSA…

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How To Connect With New Media: Part 5

The final installment in this series will wrap up all of the loose ends from in addition to examining some do’s and don’ts for both new media outlets and performing arts organizations. We’ll also look at some current efforts to reach out to new media outlets among orchestral organizations…

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How To Connect With New Media: Part 4

Part 3 of this series offered practical advice on how performing arts organizations can build genuine relationships with new media outlets. It also presented detailed instructions on how to design marketing materials especially for new media sources that are capable of making the most out of those relationships. In order to assist organizations with these tasks, this installment will examine some tools that will help with that process…

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