I received an intriguing question via email in response to yesterday’s article which provided a reference list making it easier than ever for 77 professional U.S. orchestras to improve institutional transparency: “How many do you think will take you up on it?” I thought about how best to respond and decided that unfiltered candor was the best option: “I’ll be surprised if more than three take advantage of it.”…
Granted, cynicism is always an easy way out but based on past experience I doubt many groups will update their website to include a link to their financial reports and/or a link to their most recent annual report. Nonetheless, I’ve been wrong before and I would love to be wrong now but I’m interested in measuring whether or not my jaded outlook is shared by other readers.
As such, take a moment to answer the following polls and send in a comment to share your outlook.
Yesterday’s post examining the ratio of programming between living/deceased, male/female, and ethnicity for the 2017/18 season has generated a good deal of discussion throughout…