In advance of an article in the works, I want to gather a bit a reader data about your organization’s website. Specifically, which ones have SSL certificates installed and if so, is it only for payment gateway requirements.
In English, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is what allows a website to create a secure, encrypted connection which it then uses to transmit data. The most common use is connecting a website to a payment gateway provider to process online credit card payments. It’s also common to find when connecting to a database that sends and/or receives a patron’s private information.
This quiz is now closed. You can find results and learn which answer is correct in the 8/15/2022 article.
The survey results will be included in the upcoming article, which you can expect toward the end of the week. Thanks in advance for taking the time to submit a reply.
Back in April 2017, Google published a blog post announcing some big changes designed to move websites toward improved security standards. You’re probably familiar…