At the time this was written, the State of Employment poll from earlier this week asking orchestra administrators and musicians about their work status following the onset of coronavirus related shutdowns has generated more than 150 responses. Thank you to everyone who took a moment to respond and thanks to that sample size, this will become a weekly effort until things normalize.
The poll will allow respondents to reply once per week, based on the day you submitted a response. For example, if you responded on Wednesday, you’ll be able to update your status submission starting the following Wednesday.
Each week’s poll will be added to a public Google sheet and published in a weekly analysis and overview review post.
Note: if you have already submitted a response, the form will default to the full results view.
This Survey has expired. You can view the results at the State Of Employment Series Archive:
The 5/19/18 edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer published an article by David Patrick Stearns that reports on a Philadelphia Orchestra concert being disrupted by…