Cultural Confidence Update

The latest cycle in the ongoing Cultural Confidence poll finished up this weekend and the Cultural Confidence Indicator has been updated accordingly. Results from that poll cycle indicate the current mood toward cultural institution’s finances is similar to the previous two week period whereas the economic outlook improved a bit. Worth noting is this period covered immediately before and after the presidential election…

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Cultural Confidence Update

The latest cycle in the ongoing Cultural Confidence poll finished up this weekend and the Cultural Confidence Indicator has been updated accordingly. Results from that poll cycle indicate the current mood toward cultural institution’s finances is an uneasy wait-and-see whereas the economic outlook is bordering on organized panic…

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New Feature: The Cultural Confidence Indicator

Yesterday’s poll asking readers to rate the current economic conditions at their respective performing arts organization as well as rate where they believe those same conditions will exist by the end of the 2008/09 season generated some fascinating results, some good and some bad…

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