The Business Could Use More Of This

A musician friend of mine recently forwarded a copy of an article that appeared in the September issue of Indy Men’s Magazine. I thought the article did a good job at portraying orchestral music in a light it could stand to get more often in a column the magazine calls What This Woman Wants

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Maybe They Stand So Much Because Their Butts Are Asleep

[Note: seeing that most people were off for Labor Day, I’ve left yesterday’s post in place for today]
The Partial Observer published an article of mine today that examines the issue of concert length. Like many things in this business, math is not an absolute and a two hour concert is rarely 120 minutes in length. But why are the majority of orchestras in this business so hell bent on the two hour concert format?…

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More Thoughts On Unionism

Monday’s post on unionism garnered some good reader comments. One of them was Galen H. Brown, a composer, contributing editor to Sequenza21, and a member of the New York Philharmonic development department. The topic motivated Galen to not only submit a comment but he authored an article on the topic at his Sequenza21 column…

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Things That Make You Go “Buh?” – California Symphony

It’s barely been two months and I’ve already come across some material for the second installment in the Things That Make You Go "Buh?" series. How would you feel if your local ABC affiliate used the following phrase to define your in-school education program [emphasis added]: "[the program] is the brainchild of maestro Barry Jekowsky who believes it’s about exposure, not excellence."…

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