Here’s A Little Ditty ‘Bout Jack & Diane

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Jack and Diane were two all American adults chasing their dreams in the big state of Texas. Diane was independent and got along doing the best she could, but she never managed to get out of hand to mouth mode. Jack, on the other hand, Jack made it rain. And he loved to play the hero. They knew each other for years and their relationship was punctuated with manic swings. It …

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San Antonio Symphony Goes Dark

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UPDATE 9:05am CT: According to a source directly related to events, Alice Viroslav has resigned as board chair of the Symphony Society of San Antonio. A new chair will be elected during a special board meeting today (1/5/2018). Reportedly, there is a component of the board that favor a strategic direction that attempts to restore as much of the recently canceled 2017/18 season as possible. Additional details will be provided as …

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San Antonio Stakeholders Are Talking Again

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Originally, Tuesday, 1/2/18 held the potential for being a watershed day for the San Antonio Symphony (SAS). The organization’s board was expected to meet and discuss options moving forward in the wake of a newly formed nonprofit’s decision to pull out of the six-month-old successorship arrangement (details). Given the amount of potential injury associated with the dissolution, bankruptcy was an option firmly on the table. If that weren’t enough, the orchestra’s …

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San Antonio Turns Down A Dark Path

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The San Antonio Symphony (SAS) negotiations took an ugly turn late Wednesday evening with the revelation that not only is a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) becoming less likely, but the successorship deal that would ultimately transfer governance to a new nonprofit is falling apart as well. In order to prevent these discussions from devolving into a hopelessly confusing mess of acronyms, we’re going to clarify who’s who by using some …

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#TBT Gaining Some Perspective On Pensions

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In light of recent news coming out of San Antonio Wednesday evening, I wanted to post a second #TBT article today pointing out a pair of articles from 2004 that explain how pensions work and ways they impact collective bargaining negotiations. These will be instrumental in helping you shape a necessary frame of reference when processing all of the pension related details coming to light via the San Antonio Symphony’s (SAS) …

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